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实习s with High-Tech Startups through the Ohio University 创新 Center

创新 Center at night with post it notes on the windows

The Ohio University 创新 Center (IC) is a globally recognized, award-winning tech startup incubator. The IC embeds 俄亥俄州 students within its client companies to gain valuable skills and experiences that benefit future job placement; uncover the potential for employment in the region upon graduation; and earn income without leaving 雅典. These internships increase retention and progress toward graduation and are beneficial for everyone involved. Not only do they provide real-world, hands-on environments, but also the IC client companies’ initial hires are typically 俄亥俄州 students placed in the program.

Read About Parwinder Singh's Experience!




Fall, Spring, Summer

Academic Credit

Academic credit is available.

成本 & Scholarship Availability

Covered in the cost of tuition


Guiding a Chosen Career Path

 “This experience [at the 创新 Center] was very beneficial in helping me to decide what career path I am interested in pursuing. There are many differences between academia and industry research that I did not know prior to my internship. I am really glad that I was able to pursue this opportunity as there are not many companies like this in the 雅典 area that work so well with students’ schedules. I was also allowed to work more independently than other internship programs that I have heard about, which is good for scientific research so that you gain a better understanding of what you’re doing and how to troubleshoot things if they go wrong. 最后, the skills that I developed while working on projects during my internship have contributed to my research project in Dr. Carroll’s lab.”


-- Hailee Sorenson, BS 2021


Hailee Sorenson