





Associate Dean, College of 美术; Professor of Printmaking

卡拉Hackenmiller’s recent research has been focused on the limitless and ever-evolving results of the thought process as it relates to the physical brain and its abstract outcomes. Her detailed artworks have primarily taken the form of linear etchings, 图纸, 拼贴画, collagraphs and monoprints that have been exhibited internationally as well as across the United States. She has also delivered lectures and workshops at many institutions including the University of Kansas, Lawrence; Northern Illinois University, Dekalb; University of Utah, 盐湖城; Metro State College, 丹佛, CO; University of Texas at Arlington; University of Miami, Florida; and Anderson Ranch in Colorado. 2013年5月, she will participate in an artist residency at the Original Printmaking Base, 观澜, Shenzun, 中国. Her work can be found in the public collections of the Grunwald Center for the Graphic Arts, 洛杉矶, CA; Bibliotheque Nationale de France, 巴黎, France; Utah Museum of 美术, 盐湖城, UT; Center for Book Arts, 纽约市, NY; Jules Collins Smith Museum of Art, 奥本大学, AL; Chattahoochee Valley Museum of Art, 拉格朗日, GA; 亨茨维尔 Museum of Art, 亨茨维尔, AL; and 台面 Art Center, 台面, AZ; among others. She has been a part of numerous invitational exchanges and has won honors for her research. Currently, she is an Associate Professor at newbb电子平台 in 雅典. Professionally active in her field, she has served as the Chair of the OU Printmaking Area and Interim Chair of Photography & 综合媒体, spent six years working with the Mid America Print Council (MAPC) and is the Vice-President for Outreach of the 南部 Graphics Council International (SGCI).