
New BFA in 跨学科的艺术

丹尼尔·J. 王


Some students learn and create using hybrid forms: New music is encountered with moving images; visual art guides stage and costume design; 跳舞rs sometime combine live music into their movement. 

教师 in the 美术学院 recognize the value of helping students develop expressive capacities in two or more related fine arts fields. This knowledge launched a new undergraduate degree, 2020年秋季上市, that addresses the interdisciplinary nature of study in fine and performing arts fields. 

A joint effort within the schools of the 美术学院, the bachelor’s degree in 跨学科的艺术 will launch with a highly collaborative mission and curriculum that will enable students to develop a unique plan of study by combining two artistic pursuits—art, 跳舞, 电影, 剧院, and music—then choosing one primary and one secondary area of study.

“Today’s artists are increasingly creating in multiple disciplines or reaching across disciplinary lines for inspiration,” says 美术学院 Dean Matthew Shaftel. “Our goal is to not only curate a number of thoughtful pathways through this interdisciplinary degree, but also to be open to new pathways that a student might create.” 

What does this mean in practical terms? 

“A composer interested in 电影 music could select music as the primary area and 电影 as the secondary area,加勒特·菲尔德说, assistant professor of ethnomusicology/musicology in the School of 跨学科的艺术 and the 音乐学院. “A 跳舞 teacher who needs to perform piano to accompany class could select 跳舞 as a primary area, and music as the secondary area.”字段, who will head the effort, says the program will emphasize studio production and artist creation, as well as elements of formal research and scholarship, all hallmarks of the School of 跨学科的艺术.

“Every degree program that the College is currently creating is fundamentally interdisciplinary and addresses the needs of today’s young artists,沙夫特尔说. “For instance, the new BFA in 音乐al 剧院 combines the study of 剧院, 跳舞, and music. The new master’s degree in Arts Administration links skills garnered in the arts with skills more traditionally associated with business. The BFA in 跨学科的艺术 offers students the opportunity to create other cross-disciplinary connections and to think creatively, not only about their artistic output, but also about their own studies.”