


The primary purpose for a collection residing in an academic library is to facilitate its use for research 和 learning. The 大学图书馆 seeks to make its collections as discoverable as possible with available resources, 包括, 但不限于, 工作人员, 设施, 财政支持. Ensuring that collections fit the 库’ collection scope 和 can be appropriately cared for 和 管理d is critical before an agreement to acquire new collections will be considered.

内容 & 范围

  • Does the subject matter(s) represented in the collection align with 和/or complement the current 库’ collections as well as areas of 俄亥俄州 curricular emphasis?
  • Is the collection the photographer’s complete body of work 和 /or is the donor willing to consider donating a partial body of work that aligns with criteria for the 纪实摄影资料馆?
  • What is the prominence of the photographer 和/or does the photographer have a connection to 俄亥俄州, 雅典, 或俄亥俄州东南部地区?
  • Does the collection include corresponding documentation that helps explain 和 document the work 和 business of the photographer?
  • What are the prospective donor’s expectations for stewardship of this collection(s)?

The 纪实摄影资料馆 acquires 19th-20th century photography collections that distinctly support the study of historical 和/or unique photographic processes in documentary photography, 其中包括格式, 技术, 和技术, 和 for which the content closely aligns with newbb电子平台 curriculum. 它还寻求纪实摄影收藏, 尤其是那些基于社会纪实和新闻摄影的, 与他人特别相关和互补的
保存在曼恩档案中心的材料 & 特殊的集合.

我们的大多数研究人员都对一个特定的故事感兴趣, 事件, 的地方, 或历史时刻,而不是摄影师的整个作品. Careful consideration is given to acquiring portions of work that match the 图书馆’s mission to access 和 instructional needs so that the department can better allocate resources for increasing access, 可发现性, 用集合来指导.

格式 & 程度上

  • What is the size 和 scope of the collection, 包括 physical 和 digital? 存储需求是什么?
  • 现时的馆藏安排是否方便查阅? 有库存吗??
  • Is the collection that is being proposed for donation inclusive of all materials that it will ever contain, 或者将来会有增量的增加?

Knowing the format 和 extent of materials is imperative to ensuring that collections are appropriate for the 库. 作为一个独特的稀有和档案材料的管理者, 库必须能够充分地存储, 管理, 并实施安全进出和处理措施. 格式和范围细节, 包括保护问题, allows the 库 to assess whether acquiring the material is in the best long-term interest of both the donor 和 the 库. 集合 that are expected to be ongoing require additional collection 管理ment 和 resources which must be factored into any acquisition decisions.

The 纪实摄影资料馆 is housed at Hwa-Wei Lee 图书馆 Annex, a high-density storage module on Columbus Road which provides limited space for text 和 media of all types in a temperature- 和 humidity-controlled environment for text 和 media of all types. Current improvements needed at this facility for the 纪实摄影资料馆 include:

  • Renovated space with specific temperature controls 和/or refrigerated storage
  • 适合各种格式的架子和存储容器
  • 保存用品和设备

Located on the College Green, 奥尔登图书馆 is the most convenient location for student researchers. 因此, renovated space in Alden that could properly accommodate selected collections or portions of collections, 特别是对于课堂作业和项目, 将是必要的.

支持 & 成本

  • What is the condition of the collection 和 what are the costs of its immediate 和 future 安排 和 preservation needs?
  • Is the donor able 和 willing to financially support processing of the collection or the archive in general?
  • Does the donor expect materials to be digitized 和 made available online, 和, 如果是这样的话, 捐赠人预计多久会发生这种情况?

Balancing the costs 和 labor needed for in-depth processing 和 digitization with the desire for high levels of online user interaction 和 可发现性 is always a significantly difficult measure to achieve. 像所有的特别收藏一样, the depth 和 breadth of the work special collections 工作人员 are able to invest in a particular collection depends on a variety of factors, 包括可用的捐赠基金和捐赠基金, 对我们的学生和教师的工作的影响, 研究人员对材料的需求, 我们员工的技能, 提供高质量的外包选择, 权利问题, 技术需要. 目前,图书馆需要:

  • Large amounts of electronic storage space with appropriate backup mechanisms
  • 资产管理软件进行适当的存储, 安排, 描述, 以及数字格式的检索
  • 资金支持数字化设备持续更新

访问、使用 & 权利

  • Is the donor willing to transfer intellectual rights at the time of property rights transfer?
  • 是特殊情况吗?, 如果有任何, 由捐赠人要求, 与我们的使用和访问理念相反, or would those expectations in any way alter workflows or cause inefficiencies?

The 大学图书馆 makes all its materials open for use to any on-site researcher 和 actively seeks to match researcher needs with collections, as well as to broaden researchers’ knowledge of the collections through promotions 和 exhibits. The 库 increasingly engages the 俄亥俄州 community, especially students, with our collections.

在理想情况下, full property rights 和 intellectual rights are given to the 库 at the time of the transfer of materials. If the 库 make any of the materials available online to the public, 这样做是为了保护图像的完整性, 但也允许对材料进行研究和研究. 一般, re-use of the material without alteration 和 with proper attribution to the photographer 和 the archive would be allowed.

Knowing that some photographers may be interested in donating their property to the 库, 但也可能需要保护收入来源, 图书馆将协商版权转让条款, 但是版权转让的时间是有规定的, 双方在赠与契约中约定, 是必需的.