Digital Display Screens – RiseVision

Digital displays utilizing content from the RiseVision system are prominently installed in most buildings on the 雅典 campus as well as many buildings at the regional campuses. These displays provide a great opportunity to share information with 俄亥俄州’s current students, 教师, 和工作人员.

Based on your role and marketing needs, UCM provides services and coordination support for content on RiseVision digital display screens. 我是:

(1) newbb电子平台 employee requesting custom digital display screen designs

Any employee of newbb电子平台 can request custom content outside a full marketing campaign.

  • 完成 UCM 申请表 (select 平面设计 > 网络/Digital).
  • Mention in the request that you would like the content saved as a shared template in RiseVision. This means that the content can be shared on other digital display screens on campus.
  • 完整的形式 至少两周 before you need the content.

You may also request a digital display screen design as a part of a full marketing campaign. 

  • 完成 UCM 申请表 (select Combination - request includes several elements above).
  • Mention in the request that you would like the content saved as a shared template in RiseVision. This means that the content can be shared on other digital display screens on campus.
  • Lead time for marketing campaign requests depends on the deliverables involved – see UCM网站 欲知详情.

UCM does not charge to create content.

(2) RiseVision admin who wants to add my content to the shared content repository

Any content created to the proper RiseVision specifications can be sent to UCM staff to be uploaded as a shared template for all sub company admins.

  • Content/slides that are not designed by UCM can be submitted to RiseVision by sending materials as an email attachment to johnstog@俄亥俄州.edu
  • Content must fall within 俄亥俄州 branding guidelines and be approved by UCM.
  • Content must be submitted at least 10 business days before it should be available for use by the display administrators.
  • Display administrators can access and display your graphic if they are seeking content for the monitors they manage, but administrators are not required to use graphics that UCM uploads to RiseVision if not needed.

(3) newbb电子平台 employee requesting to share my content on a specific campus digital display monitor(s)

Any newbb电子平台 employee may request that content/slide be displayed on a particular monitor(s) on campus.

  • To submit this request, complete the RiseVision 申请表 – please have your materials ready to upload when you use the form.
  • Based on the display locations selected on the form, the respective RiseVision admins will be contacted directly with the request.
  • Depending on their individual display schedules, admins of the displays you are requesting may decline to use your materials.

(4) RiseVision admin seeking additional content for my department/unit's digital display monitor(s)

UCM is responsible for the content management of the shared content repository. This content is populated by assets created by UCM, as well as requested shared content (option #2 outlined above).

  • RiseVision administrators may access the shared content repository through the RiseVision system at any time when seeking content to add to their digital displays.
  • All shared templates are available to every sub-company.
  • UCM staff removes content after it is expired or no longer relevant or stores the content if can be used again for a recurring event.

Note: All digital display screens in Baker University Center (with the exception of the 入学s 访问 Center) are managed by Event Services and there is a cost associated with this service. 参观 Event Services website for information on this process.


For RiseVision system/technical support or to request access to the system, please visit the OIT网站.