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Executive MPA Curriculum

Curriculum Details

36 total credits required

newbb电子平台的在线公共管理硕士课程提供了涵盖组织领导力的综合课程, public budgeting, research methods, and strategic leadership. Unlike other Master of Public Administration programs, 我们提供的课程是针对公共行政人员面临的真正挑战而设计的. You won’t find us teaching a lot of theory. Instead, 我们的课程侧重于培养你在数据分析和项目评估等领域的技术技能, 同时提供定制的评估,使您成为能够驾驭公共部门复杂性的战略领导者.

该计划包括六门核心课程加上另外六门经批准的MPA选修课程. 该项目包括电子政务等新兴主题的研讨会, public communication, social justice, grant writing, HR fundamentals, and crisis management. 这些讲习班提供与当今不断变化的公共行政格局有关的实用技能, 培养学生应对现实世界的挑战,并在他们选择的领域产生有意义的影响. 最终的经历是一个作品集,通过提交选择的研究和专业论文,捕捉学生在该计划中的学习经历. 作品集将亲自或以书面形式提交给教务委员会. Overall, newbb电子平台的MPA课程为公共管理领域的成功职业提供了全面的技能和知识基础.

Core Courses

MPA 5140 Organizational Leadership (3 credits)


MPA 5860 Public Budgeting (3 credits)

本课程探讨健全的税收政策和围绕税收决策的政治原则. 它还审查了政府支出决策的过程和技术. The practices and fundamental concepts of government accounting, budgeting, financial management and public finance will also be introduced. 国家预算决策过程的当代案例, state and local budget systems will be considered.

MPA 6200 Foundations of Public Administration (3 credits)


MPA 6800 Strategic Leadership and Public Value (3 credits)

Seminar content varies; underlying focus is on the creation of public value.


侧重于在公共或非营利组织中开发和实施结果系统所需的技能. 将探讨确定监测服务交付和项目成果的信息需求的方法. 评估问题将在道德标准的背景下考虑, program effectiveness and efficiency.

Elective Courses

Complete an additional 18 hours of approved MPA elective courses.

MPA 5890 Non-profit Leadership and Governance (3 credits)

An introduction to the non-profit sector and its role in society, the economy, and the delivery of human services. 包括原则管理连接的概述,因为每个适用于非营利组织.

MPA 5580 Public Sector Program Evaluation (3 credits)


MPA 5850公共事务与领导政策分析(3学分)

Focused upon key aspects of public policymaking and analysis, 旨在向你们介绍系统思考公共政策的方法. 因为如果不了解政策的根源,就无法分析政策, 在本课程中,我们将花一些时间了解政策舞台上的关键角色和力量, understanding how to develop an appropriate framework for analysis, and the limitations of each analytical framework.

MPA 5810 Public Private Partnerships (3 credits)

In much of the country, 公共和私人行动发展商业和物质基础设施, 提供所需的服务,并为社区的其他物质和智力属性做出贡献. 本课程探讨公共和私人角色和责任的混合以及对企业的潜在后果, social, 社区的经济和物质发展,反映了跨部门伙伴关系中公共利益监督和企业风险之间不可避免的谈判. 本课程将作为一种公私伙伴关系,与教师和学生参与商业和公共领导人建立和分析未来的伙伴关系.

MPA 5900 Special Topics Workshop: E-Government (1 credit)

This online, 自定进度的研讨会将从公共政策的角度审视几种新兴技术对公众隐私期望的影响. 学生将被要求为一名高级官员编写一份政策简报文件,审查可能出现的问题,并为当地政府理解和回应公民的关切做好准备.

MPA 5900 Special Topics Workshop: Public Communication (1 credit)

Introduces students to media relations, 社交媒体平台以及如何在这些环境中有效沟通.

MPA 5900 Special Topics Workshop: Social Justice (1 credit)


MPA 5900 Special Topics Workshop: Grant Writing (1 credit)


MPA 5900 Special Topics Workshop: HR Fundamentals (1 credit)

This elective will introduce students to executive & leadership coaching as a human resource practice. 学生们将参加一小时的领导力培训课程,由沃伊诺维奇学院的教练指导. 辅导的重点是学生的盖洛普-克利夫顿优势或其他心理测量评估结果. 学生也可以提出任何他们最感兴趣的指导主题, whether or not assessment results are available.

MPA 5900 Special Topics Workshop: Crisis Management (1 credit)

This workshop will examine crisis planning, 协作和领导是整个危机和应急管理办法的组成部分. Crisis identification and recognition, collaborative planning and plan execution, and leadership into resiliency will be examined. 学生将面临挑战,在制定应急计划清单和组织危机计划大纲时newbb电子关键的一般原则.

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