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Online Master of Sustainability, Security, and Resilience

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Online Master of Sustainability, Security, and Resilience

Ohio University's Online Master of Sustainability, Security, 和弹性(MSSR)是专为工作的专业人士寻求一个充满活力的教育经验. 这个完全在线的课程提供了灵活性,可以在两年内完成你的学位, and there's no GRE requirement for application. 我们的程序包括三个可堆叠的证书,您将在此过程中获得, 为您提供领导和应对关键挑战所需的技能和知识, such as climate change, natural disasters, and global crises. 

  • 100% online format designed for working professionals
  • 没有论文-该项目以一个建立弹性实施计划的顶点课程结束.
  • 灵活的开始日期-任何学期开始(春季,夏季或秋季)
  • Earn your master's in just 18 months
  • No GRE required for admission

    Diverse Career Paths

    Our Online Master of Sustainability, Security, 韧性项目为各行各业的各种职业机会打开了大门. 毕业生发现自己有能力在政府领导人制定政策等角色上产生重大影响, disaster management experts ensuring community safety, architects and designers spearheading sustainable projects, 教育工作者为未来的一代做好准备,迎接不断变化的世界. 无论你是在职业生涯的中期还是想进入一个新的领域, 我们的课程提供了你茁壮成长所需的多种技能和知识.

    Explore the possibilities:

    • Government and Policy Leadership
    • Disaster Response and Management
    • Sustainable Design and Architecture
    • Educational Leadership and Curriculum Development

    Expert Faculty and Collaboration

    在这个项目中,你将有幸从一组受人尊敬的教员那里学习. 这些专家在各自的领域带来了丰富的知识和经验, 在您的教育旅程中为您提供宝贵的见解和指导. Beyond the classroom, 你还将有机会与来自政府的各种专业人士合作, disaster management, design/architecture, education, and other related industries. 这种协作环境促进创造性地解决问题和丰富的思想交流, enhancing your learning experience.


    • Learn from seasoned professionals and thought leaders.
    • 与不同行业的同行交流,拓宽你的视野.
    • 从教师和同学分享的现实世界经验中获得实用的见解.

    Why Resilience is Important

    当灾难来袭时,你的组织或社区是否有生存的韧性? 同时准备和应对危机是一种新常态. 2019冠状病毒病大流行可能是本世纪首批影响整个国际社会的事件之一, but it certainly won’t be the last. 最近的事件表明世界各地社区的脆弱性,包括: 

    • Wildfires in California and Australia
    • Extreme rain throughout the country
    • Agricultural fields flooded in the Midwest
    • Extraordinary heat and cold events
    • Threats to drinking water and sewage treatment, along with electrical grid and supply chain failures, in the wake of natural disasters 

Certificates in Sustainability, Security, and Resilience

Within Ohio University's Online Master of Sustainability, Security, and Resilience program, 您将有机会通过我们的可堆叠证书深入研究三个不同的专业领域. 这些证书旨在为你提供专业知识和实践经验, 确保你毕业时具备全面的技能,准备好应对当今最关键的挑战. 探索以下证书,发现每个证书提供的独特重点和实用技能:

Community Risk & Resilience Certificate

In this certificate, students examine resiliency as a general concept, critically assess it as a management approach, and focus on its concrete applications. 您将深入研究人类安全风险中的正义和公平概念, risk management, and communication. 了解气候变化科学对公共政策制定的影响,并获得使用气候信息准备气候变化计划的实践经验.

Environmental Change Management & Leadership Certificate

Our Environmental Change Management & 领导力证书赋予学生解决经济发展不可或缺的环境问题的基本工具, infrastructure, and regulatory frameworks. 您将探索可持续发展评估的概念基础和newbb电子技术,并深入研究各种环境领导模型. 与营利性和非营利性部门的公共领导人接触,并newbb电子这些见解来发展你的环境领导技能.

Planning Resilient Systems Certificate

通过规划弹性系统证书了解弹性农业和能源系统, gaining expertise in sustainability, venture proposals, and energy policies. 了解驱动美国基本系统的多样化农产品组合以及实现农业部门弹性的主要挑战. 学习如何根据有效性等标准来推销风险投资提案, feasibility, sustainability, 以及潜在的投资回报——包括经济和社会回报. Additionally, 深入了解能源系统的含义和管理它们的政策.

These certificates can be pursued individually, allowing you to specialize in a particular area, or combined to earn your Online Master of Sustainability, Security, and Resilience degree. 无论你是选择堆叠证书还是追求完整的硕士课程, newbb电子平台致力于为你提供灵活而全面的教育,以满足你的学术和职业目标.

Join the Conversation

如果你对这个项目如何与你的生活和目标相结合感到好奇, we'd like to connect with you. 注册对您方便的虚拟信息事件. 

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Ready to get started? No GRE required.

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