

部门实习协调员: Dr. 米歇尔Clouse

One of the best ways for history students to prepare for the work world is to perform an internship. 历史系在这个领域有很多选择. 学生们在当地为东南俄亥俄历史中心工作, 大学档案馆, 肯尼迪博物馆, newbb电子平台出版社. 在全国范围内,他们曾为史密森学会、美国国务院、美国国家博物馆工作.S. 大屠杀博物馆、国会图书馆、国家档案馆等等.

实习包括各种各样的工作. 学生应该自己寻找这些可能性,使用newbb电子平台的 的职业网络 services, and ask professors who might have background in the area in which they are looking to work. 这里列出的大多数实习都是基于“公共历史”(如公共历史).e.(博物馆工作)或档案保存. Students should think creatively about what they want to accomplish and make sure to seek advice.

HIST 4910学分实习

对于所有的实习,学生必须决定实习是否获得学分. 安排实习以获得学分(HIST 4910), the student must meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies before the internship begins in order to choose the credit hours for the course (usually linked to the hours of the internship performed) and sign the required paperwork. Internships done for credit require a commitment to the place or institution of an entire semester (or summer). 请联系 Dr. Jackie Maxwell本科研究主任. 潜在雇主应该联系 Dr. 米歇尔Clouse 要在这里列出的资源.

Students may receive newbb电子平台 course credit for one to four hours according to the following formula (1 hour credit = 25 hours worked; 2 hours credit = 50 hours worked; 3 hours credit = 75 hours worked; 4 hours credit = 100 hours worked). The weekly distribution of the total number of hours worked per semester will be at the discretion of the intern supervisor in agreement with the student.

Internships listed here are broken down into three kinds: (a) Local internships performed while courses are in session at newbb电子平台 and potentially done for credit, (b) internship possibilities in the state of Ohio that might require more travel time and might be best considered during the summer or winter breaks, and (c) "national" internships, 通常在华盛顿, D.C.需要暑假或寒假安排的工作.


Local internships are performed while courses are in session at newbb电子平台 and potentially done for credit.


许多学生都有很大的成功与工作 东南俄亥俄历史中心. Some OHIO students have helped assemble displays for museum shows; others have worked in preserving historical artifacts or digitizing historical photographs. 博物馆和办公室位于24 W州立街,距离校园很短的步行路程. 实习应提前安排,联系布拉德·戴维斯 brad@athenshistory.org. Visit athenshistory.org.


Those looking for a future career as a museum curator and some experiential background also can contact the 肯尼迪艺术博物馆 关于实习机会. 肯尼迪博物馆举办各种展览, 通过这些课程,学生可以学习保存和博物馆展示的技巧. 肯尼迪博物馆更喜欢有教授推荐的实习机会. 要联系的人是洛里·斯宾塞 stumpl@wyzj18.net or 740-593-0952. 他们也可以通过PACE获得一些带薪实习机会, which operates under a competitive system of application (higher priority here is given to students in the School of the Arts). Visit dwhkiw.wyzj18.net/museum.


奥尔登图书馆的档案和特别收藏 has offered students numerous opportunities to students to learn the ins and outs of archival organization and preservation. 更多关于实习机会的信息,请联系 William Kimok. 或者如果对 乔治·沃伊诺维奇系列, contact Douglas McCabe. 要更好地了解目前存在的档案材料和收藏,请访问 奥尔登的特别收藏.


费尔菲尔德遗产协会为历史专业的学生提供了很多机会, 包括处理档案收藏, 研究和开发历史漫步和K-12教育材料, 在谢尔曼之家工作, 并与费尔菲尔德县的特定群体进行口述历史. 联系人:Andrea Brookover,执行董事740-654-9923.

Rural Action

当地的非营利组织 Rural Action 在历史保存和存档方面有机会吗. They are starting to digitize some local history materials and are interested in working with students who have an interest in grassroots public activism. 有兴趣在这里实习的人可以联系苏珊·罗斯, 农村行动发展与传播主任, at susan@ruralaction.org.

newbb电子平台出版社 & Swallow Press

认识到许多历史专业的学生从事图书出版(学术或贸易), 学生们被鼓励考虑在 newbb电子平台出版社 和它的贸易印记燕子出版社. The press offers internship opportunities in (a) editing and acquisitions and (b) marketing and publicity. Students thinking about (a) are usually asked to get a professor's recommendation and contact interim director Beth Pratt at prattb@wyzj18.net or 740-593-1159. Those interested in publicity and marketing (which includes website support and online marketing, 邮寄及提交奖项, and a variety of other marketing support projects) should have a professor ready to recommend them and contact Sarah Welsch at welsch@wyzj18.net or 740-593-1160.


乔治·华盛顿论坛 在整个学年举办各种会议和演讲. 如果对这一行的实习工作感兴趣,请联系 Dr. Cortney Rodet.

Law Offices

Pre-law students might want to contact local law offices to see 关于实习机会. 这就像打开黄页一样简单. 或者去艺术学院看看 & 法律预科科学顾问 Larry Hayman at the 法律、司法和文化中心.


Internship possibilities in the state of Ohio might require more travel time and might be best considered during the summer or winter breaks. These internships can be considered on a case-by-case basis for credit with the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.


这里的第一个选项是联系 历史联系 (前身为俄亥俄历史学会). 查看他们的指南Museums & 历史遗迹“这为该州不同地区提供了一个很好的机会清单. 他们的博物馆和图书馆都位于俄亥俄州的哥伦布市.

Some of the following might be able to offer internship possibilities that wouldn't require too much travel from Athens.


There are both summer college internships and academic-year legal internships at the State of Ohio Attorney General's Office. 


黑钻石的小城市 is an organization based around numerous towns in southeastern Ohio and the study of the labor movement and coal mining. 他们位于俄亥俄州肖尼,他们的电话号码是740-878-9767.


The 多元文化家谱中心 is an organization that works on African American and multi-racial history in southeastern Ohio, 包括地下铁路. 它的总部设在俄亥俄州的切斯特希尔. 联系艾达·伍德森·亚当斯总统,地址是 amadams@frognet.net or on LinkedIn.


佩里县历史文化艺术协会 专注于佩里县的当地历史,办事处位于俄亥俄州萨默塞特. Find it on Facebook.


赞斯维尔艺术博物馆 当地的博物馆是否有一些档案项目需要完成. 该博物馆从事一系列公共历史项目, 包括与公共广播系统(PBS)有关的节目. 联系740-452-0741或 info@zanesvilleart.org.


The department strongly recommends that students spend some time researching possibilities in the Washington, D.C., area. For instance, there are numerous think tanks and policy centers that might be interested in having a student of history work for them. 想想布鲁金斯学会, 美国企业研究所, 传统基金会, 美国进步中心, 新美国基金会, etc. 美国历史协会的办公室也位于D.C. 并能就实习机会提供反馈.

以下是学生与newbb电子平台有关的地方, 无论是本科生还是研究生, 你有实习经历和成功经验吗. (请及时告诉我们你的实习经历,以便我们更新这份名单.) This list isn't comprehensive or intended to limit choices; rather it is a starting point.

U.S. 国务院

学生们在这里从事各种领域的工作,包括档案工作和出版工作. Visit careers.state.gov/intern.

U.S. 大屠杀纪念馆

One student worked with the reference archivist and engaged in a variety of public events that the museum held throughout the summer. Visit www.ushmm.org/information/career-volunteer-opportunities/internships.


总的来说,国会图书馆提供了很多机会. 一名学生在弗吉尼亚州卡尔佩珀的录音部门工作. See the 青年研究员暑期实习计划.


Nixon Presidential Materials Project: Again, the National Archives have numerous opportunities. 一名学生在马里兰大学帕克办公室实习. See 国家档案馆自愿实习机会.


除了本地和全国实习, a number of opportunities exist for students who wish to combine their internship experience with international travel and education.

Point Alpha Foundation

Point Alpha是前美国空军基地.S. 前德国境内边境的陆军前沿观察哨. 学院为学生团体举办各种研讨会和公共活动, scholars, and policymakers; thus, 实习生将被要求在博物馆工作, 帮助设计下一个展品, 在阿尔法点进行研究?档案收藏. The academy is currently preparing a new exhibition about daily lives of American soldiers in Hessen during the Cold War. 实习生应计划至少待两个月. Geisa的Point Alpha学院怎么样. 会一些德语者优先, 有冷战或军事史或外交史知识者优先. Visit the 基金会的网站 and contact Dr. Ingo Trauschweizer. 学生可申请院系基金以抵扣差旅费. 学生应提前两到三个月开始申请程序.


有兴趣在国外实习的学生可以联系 全球机遇办公室 探索其他选择.


Students considering a future requiring strong research and writing skills should speak with a departmental adviser and might want to think about deepening their knowledge in a Directed Studies class (History 4930 series), 一篇荣誉论文, 或者担任系里教授的研究助理.

Other Options

Students considering a future in education should speak with a departmental or College of Arts & 科学顾问 CAS.undergrad@wyzj18.net.