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The Patton College 2029 Strategic Plan 

A graphic showing the 4 focus areas of the Patton College Strategic Plan with one area in each pentagon as follows: Academic Excellence; Vibrant Outreach, Engagement and Partnerships; Exemplary Student-Center Services; and Rigorous, Influential Research


I. Academic Excellence

以创新成就卓越, forward-thinking advances in teaching, curriculum development, research and creative activities, and service/outreach. 有效地发展和整合学习经验与沉浸式的全球和本地学习,促进多元文化和观点. 利用体验式教育的最佳实践, continuing advances in technology, interdisciplinary discovery, shared responsibility for learning, 以及对数据和反馈的复杂使用,以实现持续改进.

Strategic Goal 1:

发展和整合创新的本地-全球学术经验,培养对其他文化和生活方式的欣赏和深刻理解, both international and closer to home.

Strategic Goal 2:


Strategic Goal 3:

通过将当前的技术整合到我们的教学中,彻底改变我们的学科, curriculum, research and creative activity, and service/outreach.

Strategic Goal 4:

作为一所跨学科领先的学院,在全国范围内获得突出地位和认可, collaborative, 以及教师和学生之间有影响力的研究和创造性活动.

Strategic Goal 5:


Strategic Goal 6:

理解并展示集体责任——能力, administrators, 以及学生们——感谢我们的学生和教师所取得的卓越成就.

Strategic Goal 7:


II. Rigorous, Influential Research

在巴顿学院的研究和奖学金方面获得国内和国际的认可,以便到2029年,该学院被可靠的机构(使用可靠的指标)评为教育研究生院前50名.g., USNWR).

Strategic Goal 8: 


Strategic Goal 9:


Strategic Goal 10:

产生与社区分析和结果直接相关的研究, 哪一个将在当地为公共政策提供信息和影响, state, and federal levels.

Strategic Goal 11:


III. Exemplary Student-Centered Services

通过特殊的招聘策略,提升巴顿学院在国内和国际上的形象, retention practices, 以及专业咨询和职业安置服务.

Strategic Goal 12:

通过为学生创造一个包括所有学院教师的包容性环境,将学生服务文化扩展到学生事务办公室之外, staff, and alumni.

Strategic Goal 13:


Strategic Goal 14:

Positively impact student performance, retention rates, 并通过开发和实施有针对性的新项目和教学实践来完成.

Strategic Goal 15:


Strategic Goal 16:

Become a leader in student persistence, graduation rates, 根据州和国家标准来衡量职业成就.

Strategic Goal 17:

Provide key student metrics (e.g., retention, student satisfaction, course-completion percentages, graduation rates) to faculty, staff, 管理人员要使课程和计划的变化能够立即响应当前的需求.

IV. 活跃的外联、参与和伙伴关系

Create a measurable, positive impact on the local and regional area by increasing the sustainability of community partnerships; providing opportunities for service learning and community-engaged research centered on interdisciplinary, 巴顿学院教师之间的合作活动, students, community organizations, and individuals.

Strategic Goal 18:


Strategic Goal 19:

Feature the outreach, engagement, 以及当地巴顿学院的伙伴关系, regionally, nationally, 在全球范围内,使当地地区更加突出和经常得到认可.

Strategic Goal 20:

通过发展和宣传国际合作伙伴关系和跨文化学习机会,为巴顿学院树立全球形象, staff, students, and alumni engage.
