


A collaboration with visiting artists, 激情工作室 and 发脾气剧院

A six-week residency that culminates in a public performance livestreamed on Facebook Live Oct. 21.

所有收益均为收益 激情工作室.


塔拉DeFrancisco, 二元同步通信, CERT 98, believes in the power of 连接 and collaboration of improvisation on a cellular level. She is a veteran performer of 6000+ shows on multiple world-renowned stages, 包括《newbb电子》, ComedySportz, and iO Chicago (on beloved house team Chaos Theory, 的delton, 阿曼德·迪亚兹, 这里). Tara is internationally known for her performances in “在这里, (即兴的)音乐剧,” a two person improvisational show called “Nothing Short of Genius” from NPR, which has been brought to 24 countries and 80+ cities worldwide to headline. One of the best things she’s ever made is The Improv Retreat, an event gathering hundreds of US and international improvisers each year for a sleepaway conference with teachers from multiple cities to celebrate their craft, 现在已经连续八年了. 另外, 她是联合创始人, 艺术总监, instructor and mainstage performer for revered and beloved 鸟巢剧院 in Columbus, 俄亥俄州, a leading performance and educational community producing 25 mainstage shows year-round. She is an esteemed educator creating curriculum for theatres all over the world, 包括上面提到的所有四个. 作为一名艺术家, you may know her from stages mentioned above, but also has performed in voiceovers (Sirius, 岩石洛可可, 鳄鱼, 7个小约翰斯顿, SunTrust), 商业广告(碟式电视), 维加斯.com, 我们的细胞, 西尔斯, SunTrust), movies (The Life + Times of An Unhappily Married Man), 网络游戏秀(一元), 和电视(ABC家庭频道), 标志电视). She believes in that the tenets of improvisation and vulnerability of 喜剧 are transformational and life-changing and hopes she gets to share the joy it has brought her with you. 


兰斯Rizzutto has been professionally improvising since 1999 on stages all around the world. 从波特兰开始, 或者是喜剧体育频道, Rance soon found his calling as a mainstage performer at two theatres in Chicago after the big move, then sustained multiple tours with Second City Theatricals aboard Norweigian Cruise Lines. 在芝加哥, he most connected with iO Theatre where he became an adored performer and host featured on such beloved teams like Chaos Theory and The Deltones and later a lauded two-person touring duo, “在这里, (即兴的)音乐剧,” which tours globally as invited headliners at festivals, 学校, 表演艺术中心. 令人难以置信的主持人, 队友, 课程设计师, his improv and prior work experience have enabled him to help 企业 grow utilizing improvisation principles for their communication and team unity needs. 他是联合创始人, 培训中心主任, instructor and mainstage performer at the revered 鸟巢剧院 in Columbus, 俄亥俄州. In addition to hosting hundreds of live industrials, you can catch him on an internet game show (One Hot Dollar), and you may have seen Rance in television commercials for Hewlitt Packard or 西尔斯 or hear his voice in animated commercials for 西尔斯 as well (as a bear, 如果你想知道的话). His life has completely transformed due to enrichment from improvisation and he finds great passion in the potential energy and fun in the comedic arts he is fortunate to have as a career.


鸟巢剧院 is the only brick and mortar space solely dedicated to improvisation, 喜剧, 播客, 讲故事, 草图, 和俄亥俄州的实验剧院. Founded in 2016 after years of guest-facilitating interested new 学生s in Columbus on trips home and after 15+ years of professional performance careers in Chicago, the still relatively-young co-founders moved to Columbus to establish the theatre at the behest of the community at large who asked them to guide an educational space and stage with Chicago prowess and Columbus heart. As their personal careers still flourish the co-founders now happily nourish the incredible blooming community making magic by their own right. Beginning with three sold out classes of 48 学生s in 2016, 鸟巢 became a thriving space of 500 past and continuing 学生s by 2019 with indie teams, a growing educational staff and many flagship shows and mainstage performers. 鸟巢 is known as one of the artistic spaces leading the charge for ethical spaces in our artform, 要求每位艺术家, 学生, or visitor to comply with a Code of Ethics manifesting a sanctioned Safe Space in Columbus, 俄亥俄州. 鸟巢 was among the first to award a novel thing called a "no-paperwork scholarship" to those that need amplification and equity in improvisation, 包括同志, BIPOC, 不同能力的人, 65岁以上的人, 和退伍军人. 我们的使命是创造喜剧, 连接, and truth on our stages that permit audiences to feel represented and share in the human experience. 看看他们所有的演出, 研讨会, and master classes and its ability to help in private events, 企业, 讲座, 主题演讲, 还有现场活动 nesttheatre.com.