Cafes You Must Visit in Seoul, South Korea

Kyra Jeffers
November 30, 2022

While I was studying abroad in Seoul, South Korea, my thing was cafes. Almost every day I would try to find a new, fun café to visit. If you want to visit some really nice cafes, Seoul is the place to go. 我决定整理一份我去过的咖啡馆清单,并重点介绍每家咖啡馆的优点.  

Aesthetic Cafes: 

Stylenanda Pink Pool Café 

This place is definitely worth the visit for the aesthetic alone. When you walk in, 咖啡馆是毛绒的,粉红色的,有各种可爱的饮料和甜点供你点. When I visited, 我买了一份桃子ade,然后回到咖啡馆的第二部分:泳池主题部分. This place makes for some very Instagram-worth photos. It is a nice and chill place to relax. This café, however, was not the easiest to find. It is hidden on an upper floor of the Stylenanda building, around a corner and amongst the clothes displayed for purchase. However, this did make entering the café feel a little bit like stepping into another world, 这增加了它的吸引力(如果你按照他们贴在里面的标志去做,你最终会找到它)。.  

PINK’s Waffle Crepe 

This is less of a café and more of an outdoor dessert place, but it is very aesthetically pleasing with its pink, sparkly, fluorescent appearance. The food there is also really delicious. This is one of the only two cafés listed that I actually visited twice, 因为它第一次去的时候感觉很棒,而且它位于弘大的主要街道上,交通非常便利,我几乎每次去那里都会经过它. I got two kinds of lemonade from here as well as both a waffle and a crepe. You also order from here using a screen, so if you are too afraid to speak Korean, you can just switch the language of the menu and order conveniently in English. It is both convenient and delicious.  


这是另一家我第二次去的咖啡馆,感谢他们惊人的美学和美味的食物. 他们的新鲜水果和柿饼可能是我在韩国吃过的最好吃的(我试了很多次), so that is a high compliment), which is why I went back again. Their watermelon juice was also the best I tried, 我在那里吃的伯爵灰雪纺蛋糕配上猕猴桃汁也很好吃. 这个咖啡馆也充满了植物和鲜花,使整个氛围非常好. There is both indoor and outdoor seating available, so you could gather with your friends to eat on one of the two indoor floors, our sit out amongst the flowers in their patio-like section.  

Greem Café 

This is a fantastic café to visit if you are looking to take some interesting photos. Greem café is a 2-D café that looks like it has been drawn in black in white. 他们在前台卖小别针(我去的时候抢了一个),还有一些非常可爱的主题食品. I ordered a cheesecake that looked like cheese, complete with a little chocolate mouse on top, which I felt bad devouring. It is another great themed café to give a quick visit if you have the time.  


Cheongsudang is an absolutely stunning café to visit, and definitely one of the most Instagram-able on the list. 清水堂是一个以水和花园为主题的美丽咖啡馆,融合了现代和传统元素. 我去了延南洞分店,但这家咖啡馆更受欢迎的分店在益善洞. 我在那里的时候点了一份甜点塔和一杯橙汁,一切都很美味. 参观这些咖啡馆保证有好的风景、好的潜在照片、好的氛围和美味的食物.  

Lovin’ Her Flower Café 

This a very cute little flower-themed café. It is not as extravagant as some of the others, so if you just want a nice place to relax for a little while with a nice, sweet drink it is a great place to go. The ice in the drinks is also shaped like flowers, which I find pretty cute and fun. I got an apple-ade here, and it was really good.  

Café Black Drum 

Located next to the Hybe Insight Museum, this café really embraces the BTS theme. The inside of the café is decorated with anything and everything Bangtan. 如果你点了特定的饮料,你会得到免费的照片卡、贴纸或其他粉丝制作的商品. If you order a sandwich, like the banana Nutella one I ordered, they press it with your choice of BT21 character. 在海布洞察博物馆(Hybe Insight Museum)之旅结束后,打开你在商店里买到的任何商品的盒子,这是一个非常好的地方.  


This is a cute little café located in Insa-dong with really delectable sweets. They have a wide variety of really delicious donuts (I had the lemon one, but I tried some others that my friends ordered as well), cronuts, macarons, and drinks. 我在这里点了一杯石榴味ade,我想这是我在韩国吃过的所有ade中最喜欢的. They also give out cute little stickers that you can pick up at the front of the café.  

The SameE 

如果你是YG娱乐旗下任何一个K-Pop组合的粉丝,the SameE咖啡馆是必去之地. The café is located quite literally directly across from the YG building, so you can get a nice coffee and donut, sit by the window, and then watch your favorite idols come and go from their workplace. 他们会给公司里和你生日最近的人发带有你订单的贴纸,还会为某些活动装饰咖啡馆. 咖啡厅的地下室还有一个商品商店,在那里你可以买到一些非常有限的YG艺人商品. 


C27 is a really cute cheesecake and coffee café that I found by accident. The strawberry and chocolate cheesecakes I had there were really delicious, and the atmosphere was honestly just really cool. 这几乎就像走进一个艺术展览或主题公园,店里有一个小型的美学过山车. The one I visited also had a nice view of the street when sitting by the window. 

Billy Angel Cake Company 

If you want some really aesthetic and delicious cake, this is the place to go. 当我在COEX Starfield购物中心参观比利天使时,我点了一种叫做宇宙蛋糕的东西,它的味道和它的外观一样好. 这里的蛋糕既美味又清淡,我可以吃下一整块,然后在日本餐馆吃一顿tonkatsu.  

Noteworthy Chains: 


I absolutely adore Sulbing for the sheer variety of bingsu they offer. When asked what my favorite café was in Korea, I would usually say Sulbing mostly because bingsu was my favorite food while I was abroad. 尽管我很喜欢他们提供的各种冰糕(从提拉米苏到芒果和葡萄柚)。, their other food is what really sealed the deal for me. Their tiny fish-shaped bread was super delicious, 但我在韩国最喜欢的甜点之一是我在Sulbing吃的蜂蜜面包.  

A Twosome Place 

I really liked the food I got from A Twosome Place. It is probably one of the more common chains you will see throughout Seoul, but that doesn’t make the food there any less special. 我在那里点的提拉米苏Bingsu蛋糕和我点的柠檬果子露,上面有一勺柠檬果子露,真的很让我开心. Not too difficult to find and definitely delicious.  

Animal Cafes: 

Zoo in the City 

I just loved this cute little animal café. 老实说,他们什么都有,你可以看出这些动物被照顾得很好. There were dogs that ran free in the actual café portion of the café, a room full of reptiles, and separate rooms for raccoons, meerkats, cats, and a joint room for ferrets and a kinkajou. When I visited, the only room I did not go in was the ferret room, but I had a good time in the others. 我去得很晚,当时的工作人员似乎有点不敢帮助我和我的朋友,因为我们的韩语说得不太流利, but it was still a positive experience.  

Eden Meerkat Friends (both the Myeongdong and Hondgae branches) 

我去了Eden Meerkat Friends动物咖啡馆的两家分店,都玩得很开心. 明洞分店稍小一些,但那里的猫鼬更友好一些. Both of the locations had meerkats, cats, wallabies, foxes, a raccoon, and genets (the Myeongdong branch also had a parrot). The animals seemed to really like the workers, and all they seemed very healthy. They were fun to interact with and the environment of both locations was very nice. There was also English-speaking staff at both locations, making Eden Meerkat Friends a little more approachable for foreigners.  

Thanks Nature Café 

This café is absolutely adorable. The food there was delicious; I ordered strawberry bingsu and it is one of my favorite bingsus I had in Seoul. 咖啡馆本身是超级美学的,当你走下去的时候,感觉有点像走进一个童话故事. I believe the sheep sometimes are allowed to wander the café, but when I was there, they were just outside of it, and we were allowed to just freely interact with them after we ordered and ate our food. It’s a very cute café that I highly recommend. 

Goyangi Multi Cafe Mao 

This is actually the first café I visited in Seoul. It was late at night and my first time in Hongdae, and my roommate and I really wanted to visit a cat café before they all closed. 我的室友找到了这个,老实说,没有动物咖啡馆真的能达到这个标准. The cats in this café are super friendly, there is a chinchilla that has its own room, the cats have their own wardrobe, 如果你上楼去咖啡厅,那里有各种各样的游戏可以玩,当你和猫在一起的时候,从棋盘游戏到迷你街机游戏再到任天堂交换机. If this were a tier list this would easily top the list for animal cafes I have been to. 

Cloud with Sky Dog Café 

This café was really cute. 那里的大多数沼泽品种都是较大的狗(除了少数例外),它们都在一个大房间里自由漫步,在那里,每个人都可以在咖啡馆里自由地坐下. 我从咖啡馆点了一杯上好的绿葡萄酒,然后坐着等着狗来找我. Some of the dogs would cycle around to greet me before heading off to see who was new; it was just a really nice atmosphere. The café also had a lot of photos of K-Pop idols with their dogs, so if you want to hang out with the same dog as an idol, this is the place to go.  

Winters Village 

This café is a must-visit if you like Samoyeds because this café is full of them. If you don’t know what Samoyeds are, they are big, very fluffy white dogs. Winter’s Village has a whole family of adorable Samoyeds who you can pet and feed. They also all know some cool tricks and will pose for pictures with you. 如果你想一边欣赏可爱的狗狗,一边喝着美味的饮料,他们也有一个提供不同饮料的自助服务站.