
项目, 资源 and 服务

The Office of 教师学习 and Advancement offers various programs and services to support all faculty in their pursuit of excellence in learning, 教学, research and professional development. This page includes a list of our services, 教学链接, research and general professional development resources, and a description of programs and resources available to our Adjunct Clinical 教师 (Preceptors).


The following services can be requested by completing a 简短的问卷调查.

  • Teaching and Learning 服务 including but not limited to course materials review, 活动的发展, learning objectives review, 教学 observations, evidence for 教学 effectiveness, training and skill development, and educator training materials 
  • 教师 Affairs and Professional Development 服务 including but not limited to nominations and/or letters of support, 教师认可, dossier or portfolio development consultation, promotion and/or tenure consultation, consultation about other faculty matters, 指导, 训练, 领导力培训, and conflict resolution 
  • Adjunct Clinical 教师 Consultation 
  • 医学教育 研究 Support including but not limited to project support, project development, data requests, and funding


电子邮件: HCOM-OFLA@俄亥俄州.edu