
Our new curriculum is all about that teamwork


这是星期一早上, and the entire first-year class at newbb电子平台 传统骨科医学院 is meeting a new patient.

Spread out over three campuses in Ohio and connected by videoconference, more than 260 medical students—the first to be trained in the college’s innovative new 健康与健康之路课程—are starting their week as they do routinely on Mondays: diving into the simulated patient case on which their learning activities for the week will build.

They’ve just finished a quiz to assess how well they’ve mastered material—readings, ppt, recorded lectures—assigned in preparation for this week’s topic. 在单独参加考试之后, they take it again in a standing eight-student cohort who collaborate on lab and learning activities, mirroring the way modern health professionals increasingly work in teams.

This week’s patient is visiting the doctor for a wellness check-up. A Heritage College faculty member assigns each group a question for the fictitious patient to answer. Another faculty member takes the role of the patient, 回答学生关于饮食的问题, 锻炼, 和更多的. The class is alive with interaction, as students chime in from their microphone-equipped stations. As the patient answers questions, students suggest further follow-up questions.

在接下来的一周, all the specialized material the students learn, from biochemistry to gross anatomy to social factors affecting health, will be woven into their understanding of this patient’s case.

欢迎 to “Osteopathic Approach to Patient Care 1 – Wellness,” the only fall semester class on the first-year academic schedule. A course on acute illness follows in the second semester; the second-year curriculum will feature courses on chronic illness, 然后回归健康.

新课程, 2018年秋季推出, 代表一个无缝弧线, following patients through stages of sickness and healing.

The 健康与健康之路课程 (PHWC) demonstrates what medical training of the future looks like: training organized around detailed patient cases, 交付给团队并融入团队, and designed to present information in a way the physician will use it. It abandons auditorium lectures for a “flipped classroom,” in which students prepare outside class for interactive, 学习空间中的团队练习. Information coming from formerly discrete disciplines has been merged into a holistic, practice-centric方式, offered by faculty from disciplines relevant to the case.

“我们拿到的病例都有病人的名字, 他们的整个历史, 他们的整个医学背景,一年级学生威廉·纳伯说. “Together, we take the material we learned that week and apply it to the case. And we help each other understand things that we didn’t understand about the case. That’s why the teamwork keeps coming back in over and over.”

乔迪·杰罗姆,医学博士.O. (’05), 课程副院长, says the PHWC continues the long-standing Heritage College practice of putting students into health care spaces like clinics and hospitals from their early days, yet now it replicates such practice venues in the classroom.

This ensures that “the way that students are introduced to major concepts is through the lens of a patient experience,她说。. “The faculty build the content that they’re teaching together, 作为一个团队, 然后作为一个团队来完成它. Students are then working in teams to synthesize the information.”

肯·约翰逊,D.O., the college’s executive dean and 俄亥俄州’s chief medical affairs officer, says the PHWC is integral to the school’s mission.

“It teaches students in a way that research has shown they learn best, and that prepares them for the new realities of health care in the 21st century,他说. “The doctors we train in it are going to come out of medical school already proficient at working on a modern health care team—with the patient at its center.”

这个故事最初是 发表 2019年冬季刊 俄亥俄州的今天, 俄亥俄州校友和朋友们的杂志.