

DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System)


dar是学位审计报告系统的缩写. dar analyzes the degree requirements for your major according to the catalog year in which you entered newbb电子平台. dar reports are the printed results of this analysis. 的 dar report displays the courses from which you may select in order to complete degree requirements and shows how the courses you have already taken apply toward those requirements. dar报告为你提供了一个相对于毕业而言你所处位置的准确“快照”. 了解dar报告的结构将使报告更容易理解.

How do I reset my password so I can access my dar report?

的 username and password you use to access your dar is the same username and password used for many other newbb电子平台 online services. 请浏览 俄亥俄信息技术 网站,以确定您重置俄亥俄ID密码的最佳方式.

What is an in-progress (IP) dar?

正在进行的(IP) dar审计假设成功完成本学期的课程. 这包括以前被列为RG或RGPF等级的课程. 的 grade will be reported as IP or IPPF. 正在进行的课程将计入满足要求, but the GPA will remain unchanged. 如果你要重修一门课程, earned hours for the previous occurrence will be deducted, but the GPA calculation will remain unchanged. Courses for which you are registered for a future term (grades of PG or PGPF) will not be included in the in-progress computations.


In-progress grades are used to calculate progress for all degree requirements listed below the UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS text. 成绩单总数只包括已评分的课程和已公布的转学学分.

In-progress grades are used to determine which degree requirements will be met at the end of the current semester and what will still need to be completed after the current semester.

Is there anything that does not include in-progress courses?

报告的学时和成绩单总数不包括正在进行的课程. Only those hours that have been graded are included.

What will happen if I am retaking a course?

在正在进行的dar上, if the previous attempt was failed, the reported earned hours will not be affected by the retake. If the previous attempt was earned with a passing grade, the reported earned hours on the IP dar report will not include the hours from the previous attempt. 前一次尝试的小时数将在正在进行的总小时数中报告. 课程评分后, dar and the official transcript totals will update hours earned and GPA according to the university retake policy.

Will "What-if" dar audits also be available as IP dar?

是的, all dar audit request types can generate an IP dar.


是的. 刷新您的dar后,将有一个复选框,您可以取消选中以生成非ip dar.


In-progress courses will contribute to the required hours, 但它们不会包括在报告的工作时数或完成时数中. 的 in-progress hours will be reported on a separate line. Reported hours earned and hours completed will continue to reflect only courses that have been completed with a passing grade, excluding hours from a course that is currently being retaken.

Whom should I call if I have a question about the IP dar?

工作人员 in the college student services offices have a lot of experience reading and interpreting IP dar. You can check with staff in the college office or with staff in the Office of the 大学注册 if you have any questions.



您的dar报告从显示个人信息的部分开始. This section includes information such as ACT/SAT scores, 指定的顾问, 和目录的进入年份. Next are the general graduation requirements, 包括毕业所需的总学时和最低GPA要求. General education requirements follow (Tiers or BRICKS, depending on your university catalog of entry). General education requirements are followed by college requirements; these are different for each college within the university. 该专业的要求列在大学要求之后. 自由选修课部分列出了所有不符合特定要求的课程. 最后, there is a complete record of all classes taken at newbb电子平台 listed by academic year (this is much like an informal transcript).

I can't see my semester transfer credit from my other school/college on my dar but I submitted my transcript. 他们为什么不出现?

You can check the status of your transfer credit through the My俄亥俄州学生中心. 与你的大学学生服务办公室联系,询问有关你的转学学分的具体问题.

Why does my transfer credit from my other school/college appear on my dar but my rank still indicates that I am a freshman?

Your transfer credit has not been finalized. 联系你的 college student services office to check the status of your transfer credit.


的re are several reasons why the hours earned and 累计 一般毕业要求中计算的GPA可能不同于 累计 GPA在网上显示 My俄亥俄州学生中心 (PeopleSoft)和dar报告的第一部分(标记为TRANSCRIPT). 的 earned hours and GPA listed in the General 毕业 Requirement section of the dar report are used to determine if the student meets the minimum hours and GPA required for graduation and will not include hours that are limited by policy (e.g., excess developmental coursework or course duplication). 的 累计 在PeopleSoft中,GPA是用来计算荣誉毕业的.

How is my GPA calculated in semesters?

学生的 累计 GPA should remain the same from quarters to semesters. 的 累计 尝试的时间(完成的时间导致一个字母等级)和 累计 使用2/3转换来转换绩点,结果GPA将保持不变. 一个非常简单的例子,  

4 quarter hours B grade (4 x 3 = 12 grade points) 
3 quarter hours A grade (3 x 4 = 12 grade points) 
7 quarter hours attempted 24 grade points GPA: 24/7 = 3.428  

7 * (2/3) = 4.6666 semester hours attempted 24 * (2/3) = 16 grade points 
平均绩点:16/4.6666 = 3.428

的 semester work will add to the converted 累计 尝试时数和绩点计算累积GPA.  

转换后的 累计 在PeopleSoft系统内计算的GPA是基于转换的 累计 GPA values from the last quarter term. 的 累计 GPA in the General 毕业 Requirement section of the dar report is based on the conversion of individual courses. 这两种方法有时会导致GPA计算中的千分之一的差异.

What do all the symbols on my dar report mean?

的 last section on your dar report is the legend. 它包含理解您的dar报告所需的重要符号. 以下是dar报告中出现的最常见符号的列表.

RG年级This grade appears next to classes in which you are currently enrolled but which you have not yet completed.
RGPF年级This grade appears next to classes in which you are currently enrolled using the pass/fail grading option but which you have not yet completed.
PGPF年级这个分数会出现在你下学期注册的课程旁边 using the pass/fail grading option.
T级This grade appears next to newbb电子平台 equivalent classes that have been transferred from another institution.
年级VT表示报告的成绩是基于季度课程的平均成绩 and transfer credit was included.
在进行中如果需求被描述为 (select from: hist ****) it means that any History course will fulfill the requirement.
>LIndicates a course whose credit has been deducted because it was taken out of sequence when taking the proper sequence was required or it exceeds limits based on earning credit in similar courses.
>RIndicates a course that has been repeated for credit.
>X表示已重修的课程,并被稍后完成的同一课程所取代. No credit hours will show by the course with >X. 最后一次完成的成绩将计入GPA.
++的 ++ reported after the course title indicates that there are additional course titles not reported and the title listed is the quarter title of the first course in the sequence.
Should I still consult with my advisor?

是的! While your dar report tells you which requirements to complete, your advisor can give you academic counseling to help you make informed choices as well as offer you career advice that will help you after graduation.

Can dar help me if I am thinking about switching majors?

You may request a "What if" dar report through the 教师 & 咨询中心. This report will help you determine how courses already completed will apply to the new major as well as what additional courses are needed to complete that program.

What does a sample dar requirement look like?


Why is my semester grade different than my quarter grade?

如果多个学期的课程与不同年级的课程合并形成一个或多个学期的课程, the grade will report as an average of the quarter grades. 的se composite grades will be listed with a “V” or “VT” (if transfer credit contributed to the composite course). 原来的成绩将继续计算在你的 累计 grade point average and used for meeting requisites. 的 combined (average) grade does not alter your 累计 GPA and will not appear on your official transcript.  

在下面的例子中, three quarter courses with different grades have combined to form the semester equivalents of SPAN 2110 and 2120. 报告的学期(Sp11)是完成序列中最后一门课程的学期. 报告的成绩是基于三个季度课程的平均成绩(用V表示). 报告的标题是序列中第一个课程的四分之一标题. 的 "++" reported after the course title indicates that there are additional course titles not reported.  

Sp11 SPAN2110.0 bv中间span ++ 

Sp11 SPAN2120.0 bv中间span ++   

平均成绩的计算方法是取最后一个字母成绩(e)的数字等价物.g. A = 4.00, A- = 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.00等.),并计算平均值. 的 numerical value is used in 累计 平均绩点计算. 的 reported grade is assigned based on the numeric value.  

In the example above, the grades were as follows:  

课程211 4小时A.00)  
SPAN 212 4小时C (2.00) 
SPAN 213 4小时B+ (3.33) 

计算公式:4*4 + 4*2 + 4*3.33)/12 = B

My quarter dar indicated that I completed a graduation requirement but my semester dar shows that I still need to complete this same requirement. 我需要填写吗?

学期的dar要求可能与季度的要求不同. You should contact your academic advisor, 使用TDCP作为指导, 来决定你应该修哪些课程来完成你的学位. If you previously received a course waiver or substitution that is not reflected on your dar report, 请与您的 college student services office and ask for a review of your record.


不,你的季度课程不会在成绩单上转换为学期课程. 成绩单将显示最初完成的课程和成绩. 例如,如果你参加了PSY 101,它将在你的成绩单上显示为PSY 101而不是PSY 1010.

How do I know if a semester course I need/want to take will replace the grade in the quarter course I have already taken?

Work with your academic advisor using your TDCP to determine what courses you still need to graduate. 的 department that offers the semester course should be able to tell you if credit will be deducted.