
To find out what needs to be completed before your newbb电子平台学生定位 program, visit our 准备页面. 本页包含有关主要更改的信息, Pre-BSO模块, 位置测试, 取向时间表, 及其他在业务统筹前必须完成的重要工作.


The 抵达雅典 section is intended to provide you with all the necessary information for planning your trip to 雅典, OH. 它将包括提前到达的详细信息, 机场和租车选择, 公共汽车和火车信息, 停车的细节, 以及在雅典的住宿建议.



Early arrival stays on-campus will be the night before an orientation program begins and will be in Jefferson Hall. Early arrival check-in typically takes place in the evening for a set duration of time. 然而, 如果您无法在预定的入住时间办理登机手续, Conference and 事件服务 have an on-call number that can be used to connect with their staff after hours.



地址:4600国际门户,哥伦布,OH 43219



地址:2441 John Cir Dr, Columbus, OH 43217



地址:100机场路175号查尔斯顿,WV 25311



GoBus provides transportation between cities and rural areas in the state of Ohio. 公共汽车在 约翰格伦国际机场 在雅典降落 贝克大学中心. 购买门票和更多信息可以在 GoBus网站. 打888可以找到他们.954.6287.


Students are expected to stay in the residence halls during their time at newbb电子平台学生定位, 但客人可以选择住在校园里或校外. 去参观雅典县网站搜索一下 住宿地点 在雅典.


雅典 has a variety of options if you forgot something at home like a toothbrush or if you need to get something last minute. Below is a list of retail stores close to campus and in the 雅典 area.


雅典是一个值得探索的美丽地方. With many local options for food, shopping, and things to do it can be overwhelming where to begin. 参观雅典县 has created a guide to 雅典 and all the wonderful things 雅典 has to offer. 查看 2024雅典县游客指南 为您的雅典之旅提供旅游信息、小贴士和灵感.



  • 带照片的身份证(办理登机手续时需要)
  • 笔记本电脑或平板电脑注册课程,如果可能的话
    • We will have limited computers available during course registration at orientation. 如果你能把笔记本电脑带来的话, iPad, 或者可以上网的平板电脑, 请这样做,以加快注册过程.  这并不需要成为你作为一个新学生所拥有的技术, 所以你不需要担心在这个时候得到它. If possible, consider borrowing technology from someone to bring with you. 鉴于咨询会议的形式, 智能手机很难用于注册目的. 如果可能的话,我们建议采用不同的技术.
    • 别忘了给你的设备充电.
  • 住宿项目(1.为期5天(仅限夏季)
    • 住宿的学生不提供床单. 学生应自备毛巾, 枕头, and sheets/blankets for a Twin XL (or a sleeping bag if that is preferred). If a student is traveling from out-of-state and is unable to bring linens or if a student forgets to bring theirs, 我们将根据需要提供亚麻布.
    • 带上任何额外的物品,让过夜更舒适, 还有洗漱用品, 个人卫生用品, 和药物.
    • Please note the residence hall is a traditional style hall and does include community bathrooms.
    • You may also want to bring snacks for during the program and board games/cards to use during the evening social programming.
  • 服装
    • 带把伞,穿舒适的鞋子. 这是一个漫长而有趣的过程!)课程,我们希望你做好准备. We also recommend bringing a jacket for use in some of our indoor session locations, 因为他们在夏天的几个月里往往很冷. 在项目期间,我们还在校园里四处旅行, 所以要为冬天的寒冷天气做好准备.
  • 非正式的大学成绩单和考试成绩
    • If your official transcripts (indicating any college credit you may receive) and test scores have not been received or processed in time for your orientation, you’re welcome (but not required) to bring an unofficial copy for academic advising and course registration purposes.
  • 可续水的水瓶
    • Most water fountains on campus have been converted to bottle refilling stations. You will be traveling around campus a lot, so it will be important to stay hydrated!


亚麻布套装(包括2张床单), 1毯子, 1枕头, 1枕套, 一条浴巾, 1 hand towel and 1 washcloth) will be included for each guest for the overnight stay, 但是你可以带任何东西来让你住得更舒适. 这可能包括枕头、毯子或其他舒适的物品. 学生们需要自己带床单.


  • 手机充电器
  • 电脑/平板电脑充电器
  • 盥洗用品和个人卫生用品
  • 药物
  • 零食

Please note the residence hall is a traditional style hall and does include community bathrooms.


夏季迎新活动停车位(5月, 6月, 将在127和128号地块(在大会中心附近)展出。, 哪些可以在 校园停车图. Participants can use the entrances on West Green Drive and South Shafer Street. Accessible parking will be available near the parking lot entrance via West Green Drive. 如果您使用的是GPS或其他地图服务, please use the following address to find this parking location: 95 Richland Avenue, 雅典, OH 45701. When you arrive at the lot, our staff will give you a permit for you to place on your dashboard. This parking permit will only be valid for the duration of your program.

停车 for January and August programs will be in Lot 132 (next to Peden Stadium), 哪些可以在 校园停车图. Participants can use the entrance on South Green Drive and accessible parking will be available near the parking lot entrance. 如果您使用的是GPS或其他地图服务, please use the following address to find this parking location: 100 Richland Avenue, 雅典, OH 45701. When you arrive at the lot, our staff will give you a permit for you to place on your dashboard. This parking permit will only be valid for the duration of your program.


Check-in for programs in May, 6月, and July will be held in 贝克大学中心. We advise students and their guests to follow the recommended arrival times based on their last name. 如果一个学生计划和另一个学生一起去雅典旅行, we suggest arriving at the time designated for the person whose last name comes first in the alphabet. 下面列出了推荐的时间.

A - E7:30 - 7:45 a.m.
F - P7:50 - 8:05 a.m.
Q - Z8:10 - 8:25 a.m.



The first stop in our check-in process will have students and guests connect with the Conference & 事件服务 team to finalize the details of their overnight stay on-campus. 如果学生有确定的过夜室友, 建议你和他们一起去办理登机手续.

一年级学生1名.5-day BSO program in the summer are expected to stay on campus overnight during the program. 这个节目一直持续到深夜,第二天一大早就开始了, so staying on campus prevents students from travelling during late or early hours. This also creates more opportunities for students to build connections with other students as part of the orientation program.

话虽如此, we understand that staying on campus overnight may not be for everyone and we allow exemptions for students who do not want to stay on campus during their BSO program. 然而, students are still expected to participate in all required sessions that are part of the BSO schedule.

请填写 学生过夜住宿豁免表格 if you do not wish to stay on-campus during your time at newbb电子平台学生定位.


在学生和他们的客人与会议建立联系之后 & 事件服务, they will then connect with BSO staff to confirm the information provided during sign-up for their BSO program. 如果您需要进行任何更改, 您可以在办理登机手续时办理, 但是如果你事先知道这些变化(比如客人数量), 请电子邮件 orientation@俄亥俄州.edu 在你的程序之前.

第三步:拍下你的俄亥俄州身份证照片 & 参观资源展!

最后,学生们将在俄亥俄州的身份证上拍照. 在这之后, both students and guests are encouraged to attend the BSO Resource Fair before our morning session begins. 如果他们不能在第一次会议前到达资源博览会, 课程的第二天也会有一个机会.


在报到并参加完资源展之后, 学生和嘉宾将前往当天的第一个会议. 会议开始前, there will be optional ribbons and buttons available for students and guests to share more about themselves, 促进与其他参与者的联系. 这些选项中包括“州外”之类的饰带。, “俄亥俄校友”, “空巢老人”, 或者“通勤者”和代词别针.

学生可以更新他们喜欢的名字和/或代词 My俄亥俄州学生中心. The preferred name you enter will be displayed in most University systems and services, 比如你的身份证, Catmail, 在线目录, 黑板上, 分级花名册, 等. 参观 常用名称常见问题解答页面 了解更多信息.